setelah settle meeting 3jam, from 2.30pm until 5.30 pm, aku trus msg b srh grak...dh lh dr Putrajaya...b pn xnk grak awal2....ape lh b ni...dh lh nk trus blk kedah jp lg...hu3...

nextweek, ade byk keje aku kne list nye...
update cross section for old course melaka n batang melaka...
update cross section untuk staging
after get LIDAR data, aku kne run mike 21 for event 2006 (existing condition) and check the cross section for Ayer Panas Dam...
fikir solution utk sediment transport modelling...(mase mule2 aku msk Rho-1 ni, aku igt kn senang je nk sediment transport modelling ni...rupe2 nye susah...x semudah mase aku wt thesis ari tu..."An Apraisal of Suspended Load Equations for High Gradient Rivers in Malaysia".

ni mase aku amik sampling kt tasik kenyir...mencabar ni...aku amik sample sambil bot berjalan...sape brani wt cm aku,angkat tgn...

**mesti korg tertanye2 aku keje ape kn...aku seorg civil engineer, specialised in hydraulic modelling...keje aku wt modelling utk sungai2 for projek JPS(tebatan banjir)...kire kne run solution utk elakkan banjir lh...lbey kurang cmtu....keje aku pakai software
DHI...sebelum ni,
adli yg handle sume modelling ni...since die dh bernti (dpt keje ngn TNB), aku lh yg memikul tanggungjawab ni...naik pening gk ar awal2 tu...terkial2 wt modelling...asyik tepon die je...alhamdulillah, skang aku dh ok sket...berkat kesabaran aku belaja kot...siap dtg keje ari sabtu sebab nk srh die ajar kan...yelah, work days, die pn keje kn....
dat's all from me...b pn dh nk smpi ni...selamat bercuti sempena maulidur rasul ni....daaaa....

hasil kreativiti laki aku...hu3
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